
2013 Perfana Perfana Crescent Moon Frosty Rain 2013 GOTHIC 1- Gothic Elements 2- Vampire Requiem 3- Remains of Mind 4- Curse of Rose 5- Träumerei 6- PENDEL - Drei 7- Marionette 8- Coppelia 9- BABYLON 10- PENDEL - Zwei 11- SODOMY 12- Infection 13- SALOME 14- PENDEL - Einse 15- Memento Mori 16- VORWISSEN - Null 17- Tempest 18- Danse Macabre TABOO 1- TABOO 2- Infection 3- TABOO (voiceless) 4- Infection (voiceless) 2012 Nocturne 1- Marionette 2- Coppelia 3- Kugutsu -2012 Vers.- SALOME 1- Prologue -La Pleine Lune- 2- SALOME 3- BABYLON 4- Epilogue -Babylonia- Vampire Requiem 1- Vampire Requiem 2- Curse of Rose 3- Vampire Requiem (Voiceless) 4- Curse of Rose (Voiceless) 2011 QUEEN 1- Ar...