Lycaon - SHADOW [English Translation]

Album(s): SHADOW
Lyrics: Yuuki


Say... Can you hear it?
It seems... It's my voice

In the middle of this darkness, I'm connected to you

Since I want to meet you, near you I wanna sleep
Like this, even if everything were on the point of disappear, it's ok

Say... Are you able to hear?
It seems... It's your voice

Even the thick darkness, you're able to change it to light

If you want me now, would you snach me away from here?
Like this, even if everything were on the point of disappear, it's ok

Dressed with sombre darkness, searching each other
The brightness, had opened up this black shadow

Meet you...
Since I want to meet you, near you I wanna sleep
Like this, even if everything were on the point of disappear, it's ok

Since I found you in a wonderful darkness
To be a shadow like this, even if you disappeared, it's ok


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