D - Dark Fairy Tale

Original Title : Dark Fairy Tale
Titre français : Sombre conte de fées
Artiste: D
Lyrics & Composition: ASAGI
CD : Dark Fairy Tale
English translation by: Malin Slifer
Traduction française par: Malin Slifer

Official Lyrics :

Once upon a time there was a fairy king.
The changeling in a midsummer night's Dream.


不治の病に魘された 人間(友)の初子に祝福を与え迎えよう


交わる魂の行方を 炎よ照らして行け

二つの種族は煌々たる月の下 誓いを立てた

母なる百合の花より生まれ 輝く朝と夜を纏った
我がとこしえの国の子よ 時満ちるまで
星の群れが見守るだろう たとえ世が道を分かつとも
夢でおまえを愛しぬこう 託(かこ)つことなく


刃が永遠を殺す 迷妄(めいもう)ゆえに翅は穢れ
朽ち葉の船棺葬(せんかんそう)に付す 死がおまえを連れ去って行く

火花が咲き やがて無数の蝶が舞い上がる

English Translation :

Once upon a time there was a fairy king.
The changeling in a midsummer night's Dream.

In a small place of the World, a hawthorn is inviting to sleep in the wind
In dark nights, with wings glowing and blinking in rainbow colors, I danced mysteriously

The Rose that got wet with the night's dews is feeling hot
Caught by a chronical disease, (I) greet and bless the first human (friend) child

When I made it

We are living to praise all the Beauty living on this hill
The complex souls' whereabouts, oh Flames ! Go and enlight them !

I'll give you as a gift, the Gem that proves Our power
Our two races will sparkle under the Moon... is what I vow

I'm born from Mother Fleur-de-Lys, wearing a shining morning and night
Oh child of my Eternal City, until that time comes
My flock of stars will watch over you, if this world got divided
And will love you even in the dreams... With no committing !

However, mist is blocking me !

My sword will kill Eternity, my wings are impure because of my delusions
In humans' world, will my voice reach the poisoned hearts ?
I will put you in a ship coffin of decayed leaves while Death will take you away
Leaving a last kiss and tear drop on my child's nostalgic forehead

Sparks are blooming. Soon, a myriad of butterflies will fly high....


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